This picture was taken at the conclusion of my biochemistry
lab course, by a classmate with a weak resolution'ed digital
camera. I was caught grabbing someone's ear for all the
experiments he has messed up!

I was receiving the diploma from Dr. Mark Schlissel, the
Vice-Chair of Molecular and Cell Biology, the department in
which Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is a division.


This is at Greek Theater where the graduation ceremony took

In front of the Campanile (aka Sather Tower)

In front of the Campanile |

The Sather Gate is the official front gate of the campus.

With the Campanile and Doe library behind me, this is the
best spot on campus.

The building behind is Sproul Hall.

Wheeler Hall is a humanities buildings. You can see the
Campanile sticking up from behind.

My parents and I took this picture in front of the best
known landmark on UC Berkeley, the Sather Tower, also known
as the Campanile.

This building behind us is the administrative building,
Sproul Hall.

